Month: June 2020

June 26, 2020

Defying the Killer Worm

The moment we feel a personal privilege of any form, embrace, and house even the slightest of its aspect, we have knowingly or unknowingly taken part in the oppression; we have allowed the killer worm, hate, to multiply and corrode humanity. Humility is the birth of knowledge, and with that knowledge, there should be a drive to explore the unique features around us and use […]

June 12, 2020

The New Normal, Ahem!

While I’m experiencing the terror of COVID-19 like everyone else, I’m beguiled by the now-famous phrase, “Social distance is the new normal.” Surely, this fatal disease is enlightening us in unthinkable ways. Some say COVID-19 is, “The equalizer.” Others fight it off, some lose the fight, and the rest are in limbo; we shelter, mask, wipe, wash, and distance, anything to elude this elusive virus. […]